Preparations and Treatments For Kambo Treatment

What Should I Expect During Kambo Ceremony?
What would it feel like?
The immediate effects of Kambo are intense and unpleasant but short-lived, usually lasting no more than 30-40 minutes. In my opinion, the most challenging part lasts between 10 and 15 minutes. They include a feverish rise in temperature, sweating, shivers, and dizziness as the heart rate becomes rapid—possibly reaching more than 190 beats per minute. The blood pressure may rise or fall dramatically, accompanied by an increased awareness of the veins and arteries. Many people report a tingling or burning sensation like electricity that starts from the points and spreads through the body. Some may also feel a dissociative or drunken high.
Overwhelming nausea is generally unavoidable with Kambo and purging is likely. Other effects include a feeling of tingling & pressure in various places… including the head, neck & torso, some stomach discomfort, inflammation of the throat, dry mouth, difficulty moving & numb, swollen lips which will pass.
After these initial effects have worn off and the heart rate has returned to normal, it is nice to rest. Some fall into a dreamless sleep. Your experience may feel enhanced following the Kambo purge. You may feel great physical strength, sharpened senses, and heightened mental alertness. Desirable after-effects like these may take a day to materialize or be immediate. They also tend to include a consistently elevated mood, increased physical and mental energy, decreased stress, and enhanced focus. In the coming days after treatment, it’s certainly not uncommon for people to report having clarity of mind, clearing of emotional baggage, heightened awareness and focus, resilience to stress and fatigue, reduced illness, an increased sense of energy and well-being, and even more clarity to their life path. We have seen a great benefit from those who choose to do multiple sessions in a row, specifically on their first time using Kambo. Many people choose to do 3days in a row for profound shifts – or within a short period. Others choose to do 3 sessions within 28 days (or a moon cycle). This allows the body to go deeper with its healing – as the Kambo works in an accumulative way when treatments are closer together.
How to Prepare
FASTING: NO food for 8 hours before the ceremony. If treating in the AM - you can have 1 herbal tea or water when you wake up to hydrate - but NOTHING 2 hours prior. If you are getting treatment in the afternoon - You can have a smoothy for breakfast and sip tea with honey until treatment (to maintain energy) - but NOTHING 2 hours prior. Eat well and hydrate the day prior - and again after kambo. Kambo loves food...Healthy food and hydration after the ceremony and the days leading up to the ceremony! NO FASTING/CLEANSING, etc, days prior - only the 8 hours, please, for optimal results.
Refrain from taking supplements/ medications on the morning of the session. If this is a concern, please get in touch with us. You can take them later in the day.
It is best to abstain from alcohol 24 – 48 hours before the ceremony, depending on the amount consumed. If possible...Please refrain from alcohol 3 days after. This is not because of danger... But alcohol can make for an uncomfortable treatment, and this helps show respect for the medicine...And give the Kambo the space needed to do its best work afterward.
Please bring to the ceremony a Blanket & pillow, and make sure to dress comfy:)
Do not wear contacts if possible! Glasses are great:).As we may use Sananga if you like, and it’s called for.
In case of a Chakra treatment - women may wish to wear a sports bra - if not, we can work around it.
Please note - a deposit is ordinarily nonrefundable should you cancel within less than 24 hours - but I do allow people to move ceremony one time.
Kambo is very safe when given by a properly trained practitioner. However, there are some conditions for which kambo is contraindicated. This is not an exhaustive list, so it’s essential to consult an appropriately trained and skilled practitioner if you have any concerns. Suitability for kambo may occasionally depend on the constitution of the person receiving kambo. We contraindicate people who:
Have serious heart problems or who have had heart surgery. This includes a pacemaker but excludes stents
Have an aneurysm or blood clot are on medication for low blood pressure
Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo
Individuals with severe mental health issues, including schizophrenia & borderline personality disorder. (Note: we may treat people w/ milder forms of bipolar disorder)
Individuals with severe mental health issues, including schizophrenia & borderline personality disorder. (Note: we may treat people w/ milder forms of bipolar disorder)
Are undergoing chemotherapy radiotherapy or have done so within the last 4 weeks
Take immune-suppressants after organ transplant
Have Addison’s disease
Are recovering from a major surgical procedure (we wait a small amount of time)
Are under 18 years old
Have certain types of eds
Are pregnant or maybe so, or are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old
Please give your practitioner a list of all medications and supplements taken regularly with dosage and any diagnosis connected.

Traditional/Basic Kambo Treatment
Traditional/Basic Kambo Treatment
This is done in a general area and not targeting any specific region of the body or mind. This allows the Kambo to flow naturally where it needs to go. In the first treatment, we use what is called an EVALUATION POINT - to determine someone's tolerance and other critical information that the practitioner can find valuable.
Meridian Points & Kambo
Traditional Chinese medicine uses meridians as energy channels that run through the body. Each energetic channel relates to an organ in the body. Kambo can be given on the body's meridian lines to treat various physical and emotional symptoms. Kambo can be placed on the body's meridian lines to treat various physical and emotional symptoms.
Auricular Kambo Points
In Traditional Chinese medicine and a French doctor in the last century, auricular acupuncture points are used to access and treat various body parts, illnesses, and emotions. The ear is a microcosm of the entire body in totality.
Chakra Kambo Points
The Chakra system comes from an ancient Indian tradition and is believed to be the energy center of our body. Our system comprises 7 principal energy centers aligned along the spinal column that distribute Prana (life energy) throughout the body. If energy is imbalanced in one or more of these chakras, that area manifests as a struggle in life:
7. Crown – Our ability to be fully connected spiritually.
6. Third Eye – Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
5. Throat – Our ability to communicate.
4. Heart – Our ability to give and receive love.
3. Solar Plexus – Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.
2. Sacrum – Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences
1. Root – Our foundation, feeling safe, secure and grounded.